Anime GalaxyThe Purpose of Anime Galaxy Anime Galaxy is a Roleplaying Game which focuses on stats and abilities,
it's based on a forum and the plot is controlled by the members
themselves, it is totally unique and able to be changed at any moment or
notice. We have a unique character creation and grading system, we
treat all our members fairly and we make sure to get to any ungraded
characters as fast as possible.
Meet The StaffThe staff on this site aren't so mighty that they don't have time to chat
with you members, on this forum, you guys know whats right, and we're
here just to enforce the simple rules that this forum already has. If
you ever want to talk, or discuss a problem, we'll be there to help you,
don't hesitate to contact us if you need our assistance!
Important TopicsYou may be wondering how exactly to get started on this site, thats a very
good question, and I'm going to direct you to the most helpful
threads on this site for helping beginners.
Site RulesStat GuidebookThe PlotAdvertising GuidelinesFinallyTo sum up this oh so very long advertisement, I'd like to say your welcome
here anytime to visit and you don't have to join if you don't want to,
just take your time and be positive, we're a friendly Roleplay site that
focuses on quality rather than activity ^^